NAPCO Security Technologies new Super Dual™ StarLink Fire Max2 Supervised Dual Sim/Dual Path Communicator was named 2024 Innovation Award Winner at the Electronic Security Expo (ESX) in Louisville, KY. ESX Innovation Award winners are selected for innovation and driving efficiency and profitability, by an independent panel of industry judges who use a specific set of criteria, including ingenuity, applicability, response to market need, etc, each year at the Annual Exposition for the largest professional membership association in the security industry.
Stephen Spinelli, SVP of Sales at NAPCO commented “We are honored to receive the prestigious 2024 ESX Innovation Award for our Super Dual StarLink Fire Max2 Dual Sim FACP Communicator, it is the latest labor-saving product in the StarLink Series for Fire & Life Safety, uniquely saving dealers time by eliminating the need for an IP /IT connection in UL 864-Listed Dual Path reporting requirements, while maximizing dependability. The initial market response in sales orders has been very gratifying as well. ”
The Super Dual is a NAPCO exclusive, dual supervised cell-only option, available on all its dual sim StarLink Fire Max2 5G cellular FACP Communicators, now at all distributors at new low equipment and service rates (w/ instant rebate). UL 864 Listed Super Dual™ plan uses two supervised dual cellularnetwork communication paths, Verizon + AT&T – instead of IP connections (a red and blue color LED indicators onboard shows which is active.) By automatically switching between the supervised cell carrier paths dynamically, it can provide better supervised life-safety reporting by avoiding reliance on IT networks, prone to future changes, reboots, updates, etc. Super Dual saves dealers significant time, labor, and pain points by eliminating IP connection hassles, IT delays &/or firewall issues.
Available at all Napco Distributors, StarLink Fire Max2 Dual Sim/Dual Path FACU Communicator is the ideal UL 864-Listed solution that maximizes your commercial fire business’ Recurring Monthly Revenue (RMR) while minimizing accounts’ operational expenses vs POTS lines. It is easy to standardize on, as just one model, for both Verizon & AT&T, can be stocked on the truck, working seamlessly, regardless of the installation location or code requirements. It offers three modes: Sole path cellular, traditional dual path cell/IP, and the industry’s only Super Dual™ supervised dual cell-only or dual path (selectable by plan).
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